
Strengths (and Weaknesses)

I can say from personal experience-and of course I'm biased-that there are many terrific aspects...

Understanding the Upholder

In life, we all confront two kinds of expectations. We face the outer expectations that...

Why It’s Helpful to Identify Others’ Tendencies

On the flip side, when we understand others' Tendencies, we're more tolerant of them. For...

The Four Tendencies

Why It's Helpful to Identify Our Own Tendency When I describe the Four Tendencies, I...

Make Peace With The Unknown:

I need you to make peace with the fact that you do not know what...

Reimagine Your Future

Purpose is what so many people struggle with after their world has been flipped sideways....

Make A Joy List

If level one is the gratitude practice, level two is the joy list. I was...

Choose Joy Even When Life Sucks

Long before I ever became a life coach, long before there was social media or...

Intuitive Workouts

Daily movement is a cornerstone in my life. I work out for at least thirty...

Cling To Your Good Habits, Or Make Some New Ones

Raise your hand if you make bad decisions about food, alcohol, cigarettes, or other negative...

Be Honest With Yourself About Where You Are:

Take inventory of yourself and dive in deep. So often pain and hardship can feel...

Get The Kind Of Help That You Need:

Every single one of us manages stress in different ways based on tons of different...

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