
When you are unstoppably confident, there is a powerful difference between you and the "normal" population. The difference is control. You have more control over your environment, over your emotional state, over your beliefs, and ultimately over your actions. That is the simple difference between people who are empowered and people who are not. People who are not empowered have excuses.

Greater Empowerment Equals More Choices

Empowered people simply have more choices than disempowered people. People who do not allow themselves to find other choices available to them are likely to become disempowered. Always contemplate the number of choices you have in any given situation and do your best to generate more options. Perhaps there is an option you have not thought of that would be ideal. All you need to do now to empower yourself is to think of a solution and then act on it. With greater empowerment comes a truer sense of freedom because you have the liberty to choose from more options.

#stewartlifecoaching #empoweryourself #unstoppableconfidence