Intuitive Workouts

Daily movement is a cornerstone in my life. I work out for at least thirty minutes every single day, only now for the first time ever I base my workout around what I need today instead of what I might normally do. In the beginning of this difficult time, there were days I’d go out to the garage gym and just stretch for a half hour or take a slow long walk. Lots of days I’ve put on all my workout clothes only to go dance to music for awhile. My heart and energy need this daily anchor in my life, but I just don’t have the energy for my usual run or intense strength training. I’m sticking to my habit but I’m allowing it to be something new and different to meet me where I am.

All The Therapy: As you probably know by now, I am an enthusiastic proponent of life coaching and have helped many. During quarantine, my life coaching had an uptick. Now, my clients are steady once or twice a week committed to letting me help them find their inner strength to empowerment.

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