The Secret to Excellence

Growing up in a large family, all we did was play sports, all sports. Were we competitive, yes. I still remember if one of us didn’t like the call. My father loved sports and loved watching us play. I think it filled him with pride to watch us compete. My father was a student of excellence. He loved excellence, wherever it could be found. He would point it out to us, in business, sports, arts, politics, spiritually, academically. He was a student of excellence and he taught us to be students of excellence too. So, my question to you is: Whom do you get your spiritual coaching from? If we are going to grow spiritually, if we are going to become excellent in the spiritual life, we need coaching. The sad truth is, when it comes to our Catholicism, we don’t think about it in those terms. When was the last time someone said to you, “I really want to be an excellent Catholic”? Maybe never. Excellence isn’t even on our radar. As a result, we now live in a time when , as Catholics living in the U.S., we have become deeply committed to our mediocrity. We stopped striving for inner, spiritual excellence, and because the external is an overflow of the internal, we started doing things in a mediocre way. Everything we do as Catholics should be excellent, but we do a lot of things mediocre. We all want to belong to excellent parishes, but we don’t necessarily want to strive for spiritual excellence. God wants us to live an excellent life. In that quest for excellence we will find a rare happiness. Nobody achieves excellence at anything without coaching. Seek out a spiritual coach.
#stewartlifecoaching #seekandyouwillfind #Icanhelpyousearceforexcellence 
