The Feeling Equation

Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, states: “The foundation of all mental illness is the unwillingness to experience legitimate suffering.” Therefore, in order to heal it, ya gotta feel it. When you are willing to experience your negative feelings, they release. Resting the pain causes more of it. Don’t be afraid to feel. It’s the fear of the feeling that has kept you from recovering. What I’m asking you to do now is to just rip off the Band Aid and get curious about the way you feel. Close your eyes and ask yourself the following questions: How can I describe this feeling? Am I sad, fearful or anxious? Am I all three, and more? Where do I feel this in my body? What does it feel like? Is it raw? Does it have a color? What shape is it? Is it tight? What is underneath it? Is there a word that is associated with it? A person? A time? Ask yourself anything that will help you identify the feeling underneath your thoughts. Don’t push it away, don’t think it away just be with it. By getting curious about your feelings, you may be reconnected with the place in time where they began. For many people, these feelings stem from childhood.

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