The Stress Bucket

How to handle stress at work?

Do you see that little “hole” at the bottom right?
I mean in the Stress Bucket.
Yes, the hole “visualization.”
One exercise you can use to handle stress is visualization.
I used it before races.
Let’s see how you can try it.

1.    So, when you feel stressed about a deadline, start with this:
→    Close your eyes and imagine your upcoming deadline

Picture the tasks you need to complete.
And the pressure you might be feeling.
Visualize yourself right in the thick of it.

2.    Now, pay attention to any signs of stress.
Maybe your heart is racing a bit.
Or maybe you’re feeling tense.
Instead of getting frustrated, just notice these feelings.
They’re simply your body’s way of gearing up to help you focus.

3.    Now, welcome that stress like it’s an old friend.
You know, the old friend who’s always ready to show up and help you?
Exactly, that one!
Remind yourself that this stress is actually there to give you a boost.
Yep, you got it right!
That stress isn’t an enemy.
It’s like your body’s way of getting you pumped up and ready.
So, think of it as a supportive ally rather than a burden.

4.    Alright! Now, picture yourself using that stress to your advantage.
Imagine you’re tackling your tasks efficiently.
Imagine staying organized.
And imagine meeting your deadline with confidence.
Just see yourself handling any hiccups smoothly and finishing strong.

→    The more we practice this visualization, the easier it will be to turn stress into a helpful ally

Over time, it will make a big difference in how you handle stress.
As we know, it’s all about practice.
And of course, all those holes matter! 🙂