You shall love your neighbor by being channels of healing

The tenth and final commandment for forgiveness is: You shall love your neighbor by being instruments or channels of healing. We do not place enough emphasis on the call of Christians to be instruments or channels of healing. We are all aware that we hurt one another. We need to be aware that we can be channels of healing. Many of us are familiar with the ninth chapter of Luke when Jesus was coming to the Samaritan territory and He sent messengers ahead of Him only to learn that He was not welcome into the town and was, in fact, barred from entering. “When his disciples James and John saw it, the said, “Lord, do you want us to bid fire come down from heaven and consume them?” But he turned and rebuked them” This is one of the few times Jesus reprimanded the Apostles. He scolded them because after all that He had taught they still had fallen prey to anger. Shortly after this episode we read that Jesus commissioned the Apostles to preach the gospel and heal the sick. The very men who wanted to call down fire from heaven to harm the people were commanded to go out and proclaim the good news and to heal the sick. Jesus has called us all to be healers-not “hurters” of one another.
