More To Offer

You have so much more to offer. You sense it. You may have known it for a long time. It’s a truth that lingers, waiting patiently for us to pay attention to it. It’s a soul sense, and when your senses such a thing, it should never be ignored. You may find yourself thinking or saying, “Something is missing”, “There must be more to life”, “I have so much more to offer”. These are sacred truths. But we often treat them as human malfunctions. We think something is wrong. We think we need to be fixed. We view these sacred truths as problems to be solved, and that is a tragedy. When you experience these yearnings, something is very, very right! You are not malfunctioning. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your heart, mind, body, and soul are working together to get your attention. These longings are amazing signs that your whole person is functioning beautifully. When you sense that something is missing, that there must be more to life, or that you have so much more to offer, your intuition has never been so sharp. Claim these as sacred truths about yourself. Listen and follow where they lead.

