Bloom Where You Are Planted

I was in love from the moment I laid eyes on that adorable house, with its sunken living room and the gorgeous French doors that opened onto the patio. I convinced my husband that happily ever after waits for us on the other side of that door. The front door flanked by full length beveled glass windows. right away we put our house up for sale and in less than a week someone made an offer. I took it as a sign from Heaven and mentally started feathering our nest. The same day we accepted the buyers’ offer we put a down payment own dream house. Now to pack! As I packed, I envisioned cooking yummy meals in that gourmet kitchen or soaking in the jacuzzi after a long day of work. Yes, living was about to begin and I was excited to start. Then the unthinkable happened, the buyer disappeared and then backed out. We were done! We were in shock. All of a sudden, a sigh of relief hit. Again, it hit, we’ll need to swing two mortgages. We finally got the owners of the house we bided on to let us out of the sale. As we sat down and took this all in, We decided to pretend our old house was our new house. We started doubling the mortgage payments, put new coats of paint around the house, fixing the hardwood floors. It’s a positive outcome. There’s no more mortgage, with have the deed and equity in hand, a cozy , comfortable home that we have grown to love. But mostly we have firsthand knowledge that sometimes you just have to look on the bright side and bloom where you are planted.

#stewartlifecoaching #happywhereyouare