Squashing Negative Internal Dialogue

Many people have a negative internal voice that constantly eats away at them. The negative internal dialogue often dwells on the bad things i life and is quick with a put-down or some other tasty comment. First, identify the qualities of your negative internal monologue by answering the questions listed here. When you’re aware of the specific qualities of your negative internal voice, you can more easily silence it.

Whose voice do you hear?

Where does the voice seem to come from?

At what level is the volume of the voice?

Does the voice speak rapidly or slowly?

Now that you are more consciously aware of the voice than ever before, we can squash it. To do this, you must actively choose to change the qualities of your internal voice. You can do this by imagining the same voice with its vocal properties altered. Sometimes the negative internal voice is that of one or both of your parents. Sometimes the negative internal voice is your own. What would happen if you took the voice and made it sound like, Mickey Mouse’s voice? It would be hard to take that high-pitched voce seriously, right? What would happen if you made it another favorite childhood cartoon character’s voice, or perhaps a clown’s voice? Don’t take my word for it; do it yourself to find out. Call us, we can help you.


#stewartlifecoaching #squashingnegativity