Remember that unforgiveness is a type of hate

The 4th commandment of forgiveness is to remember that unforgiveness is a type of hate. we aren’t accustomed to hearing this stated so emphatically, and most would tend to shy away from so strong a word as “hate,” but let’s ask ourselves the question, “what do we mean by hate?” Hate is wanting what is bad for a person and doing what you reasonably can to bring hurt to that person. It’s the complete opposite of love, which only desires good. When you are unforgiving, there are spiritual chains around them, and they are also around the person that is not forgiven. Both people involved are in bondage. We have all experienced this in our lives at some time or another when we have been at odds with someone. When we do not forgive, when we harbor bitterness or resentment, we have bad will we have bad intentions. Since the Lord does not condemn us, so we must not condemn others. Make a decision to forgive the one who hurt you. As your life coach, I can teach you how to empower your inner strengths and move forward to find your gratitude and humility to forgive yourself and others. Contact me for a session, and let’s start strengthening your inner power.
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