
We live in a culture that says the meaning of life is to get what we want, and that when we get what we want, than we will be happy. We yearn for happiness because we were created for it, so we fall for the lie. We race off into the world to get what we want, but sooner or later we all realize that getting what we want doesn’t make us happy. At least not in the way we thought it would. A few months after you get that car that you wanted your whole life, it is just a car, a means of transportation. Does it bring you some happiness? Does it please and pleasure you? Yes. But, it doesn’t bring you that deep and lasting satisfaction that you yearn for? Everyday we make tons of decisions some large, some small. God wants to help you become a phenomenal decision maker. He wants to set you on fire with passion and purpose. He wants your yes to be a passionate enthusiastic YES and your no to be a firm NO. It’s easy to be lukewarm, but he doesn’t want that for you. When did you last ask God to advise you about a big decision you had to make? Take a few minutes to reflect on your image of God. Write down the qualities that make up the way you see God. Try to trace each quality back to its roots in your life.
