Everyone you’ll ever meet is fighting a hard battle. What hard battle are you fighting?

What battle are people who live in the same home as you wrestling with? What about those you work with, what battles are they fighting? When we recognize someone else fighting a battle, we rise to the occasion, bringing out the best in us and compassion and generosity begin to flow. Next time someone is upsetting you, frustrating, annoying, or ignoring you, take a deep breath and remember that they are fighting their own battles. Allow the greatness of your humanity to rise up within and act with compassion. Smile, be warm, pray for them, and move on, quietly. Life is messy. Birth, death, fear, pain, disease, suffering, hunger, abuse, addiction, betrayal, corruption, disappointment, failure, injustice, broken dreams; there is no question life can be very messy indeed. Often we are quite good at avoiding the mess. But as children of God we are called to go looking for the mess and make a difference in some way. Large or small according to the gifts that have been entrusted to us. It is amazing what ordinary people are carrying around inside themselves everyday.
Where do you start? To say that life together is messy is an understatement of monumental proportions. I went home and hugged my family. Life is messy, and it is not enough just to talk about the mess. We are each called to do something about it. Resistance will tell you that the problems are too many and that you will never make a difference. Ignore it! Resistance is a liar!
Key point: Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle and carrying a heavy load.
Action: Be gentle with the people who cross your path. If someone is grumpy or rude, if they make a mistake or do something wrong, give them the benefit of the doubt. You never know what they are carrying around inside.
#stewartlifecoaching #winningthewarwithin #bekindtoothers 
