Don’t Let the Critics Win

As you continue your journey, I want to encourage you to be watchful for patterns in which resistance is easily defeating you. The critic will always be present. We live our lives for an audience of one: God. If you are doing what you believe God is calling you to do deep in your soul, walk on. When you are discouraged or caught up in procrastination, simply do the tiniest thing to move whatever you are working on forward. The critics will always be there, but we need to be careful not to allow their voices too much space in our hearts and minds. Reflect on a time when you allowed critics to have too much influence in your life, and how you would do it differently next time.
Talk with your life coach, I can assist you. I can teach you how to empower your inner strengths and move forward to push those critics away. Contact me for a session, and let’s start strengthening your inner power.
#stewartlifecoaching #empoweryourself #criticsasbulliesÂ