An Unconventional Education

I’ve had an unconventional education. The older I get the more I realize that life teaches us all the lessons we need to learn to take the next step in our lives and to fulfill our mission in life. It’s easy to focus on the formal aspects of our education, but the informal aspects are often the most influential. For starters, growing up in a large family taught me a lot about life. Then there were the great schools, afternoons with friends at a hangout, great books, wonderful parents and siblings. There are two factors that I always come back to. First, beginning in my late teens, I spent a lot of time in the classroom of silence, sitting alone to ponder. I continue to believe that we can learn more in an hour of silence than we can in a year from books. One mans trash is another man’s treasure. And that is true not only of things but also of experiences and problems. For most people their priorities get rearranged, usually for the better as they get closer to death. We speak of four last things, which are on people’s minds in an environment such as a nursing home. They are no longer abstract questions, they are real and near. We are all just passing through this world, and no matter what length we go to make ourselves comfortable, it’s not home. Loneliness is one of the great evils of our age. God wants you to help him answer the prayer. visit the lonely. It takes just a moment to make the elders happy. Make it a habit. Life is always teaching us lessons. What lesson is god trying to teach you through the experiences of your life at this moment? Reflect.
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