There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.~Ben Williams

Dad passed away, leaving Mom alone. She traveled from her home in Florida to S. Carolina to be with my brother’s family the week before Christmas. While there, Molly, the family’ s Westie, adopted Mom. Wherevere Mom seated herself, the furry white bundle of love made sure she was by side. When Mom rested her head on the guestroom pillow at night, she’d find one of Molly’s bones tucked under her pillow. Arriving at the breakfast table each morning, there was Molly’s favorite pink sock resting on Mom’s chair. Christmas arrived in sunny Florida with palm trees blowing on a warm breeze. Mom was cleaning up breakfast dishes when she herad the doorbell ring. She hurried to answer it. In walked my brother, and his wife carrying a miniature version of their dog, Molly. Mom immediately buried her face in Kati’s fur. My brother set to work assembling the puppy’s crate, filling the doggy dishes with clean water and puppy food. Later, as everyone was settling down for the night Mom noticed a familiar pink sock inside Kati’s crate. Funny thing about that sock…leaving the house for the trip here, Molly was sticking to Kati like glue. We explained to Molly we were bringing Kati to you. Suddenly, Molly raced off upstairs then cam barreling back with her favorite pink sock. She placed it directly infront of Kati as if to say, I took care of Grandma while she was here with us. It’s your turn now. Take good care of Grandma. I’m passing the torch to you. Kati, and Mom are now inseparable.
#stewartlifecoaching #loveiseverywhere #compaionshipiswarming