Unrequited Love
Nothing spoils the taste of peanut butter like unrequited love. ~Charle Brown"Guess what?" I looked...
There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.~Ben Williams
Dad passed away, leaving Mom alone. She traveled from her home in Florida to S....
Annual Chrsitmas gift exchange
The most anticipated highlight of my grade school years was the annual Chrsitmas gift exchange....
Relating In Relationships
The word relationship stems from relate, which means "to recount or tell." Therefor, it could...
Getting Your Needs Met
We all have needs we want fulfilled. Beyond basic human needs for food, water, sheltr,...
Why We G.R.I.P.E
You deserve healthy, open, mutually satisfying relationships, relationships that support your dreams and celebrate your...
A continuing development involving many changes, generally involving a number of steps. It involves discerning...
The Primary Relationship
Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some...