Getting Things Done Method-A Simple Step By Step Guide To Productivity

You should try the GTD productivity method if you:↳ Spend more time thinking about your...

Get Sh&T Done

How to do more & stress less.Grab this productivity cheat sheet!Being productive doesn't mean working...

Fragile Mindset Vs Gritty Mindset

How to build grit?I think it could be many things, like:→    Lack of discipline→ ...


Make excuses or make changes.If today is a day when you failed, you can:• come up...

End-Of-The-Year Burnout

It's the most... stressful time of the year?Even if you love celebrating holidays, you can...

Empathy Is Not Enough

You need perspective-taking. We talk a lot about empathy — but too little about perspective-taking....

Emotional Unavailability is when he/she-

How can you handle an emotionally unavailable person?Here are 4 tactics (with examples):1.    We...

Emotional Intelligence- EQ Assessment for Leaders

Are you emotionally intelligent?Let’s try this assessment.It’s gonna help you check your Emotional Intelligence.Let's see...

Emotional Energy-The Ultimate MATRIX to Peak Performance

How do I keep my energy high? There are many things!All my life is based...

Embracing The Quiet People-The Hidden Power Of Introverts

I am an introvert.↳ I was embarrassed in school for being quiet.↳ It was hard...

Don’t Measure Your Success With Someone Else’s Ruler

When I was 13, I found myself at a crossroads.“Should I continue with my go-to...

Djokovic’s Mindset- 5 Techniques To Win the Mental Game

How to build a strong mindset?I wanna share with you 5 things I do.I don’t...
