Relating In Relationships

The word relationship stems from relate, which means "to recount or tell." Therefor, it could...

When Worlds Collide

The other day I awoke to find myself in a great mood. I bounced into...

Getting Your Needs Met

We all have needs we want fulfilled. Beyond basic human needs for food, water, sheltr,...

Why We G.R.I.P.E

You deserve healthy, open, mutually satisfying relationships, relationships that support your dreams and celebrate your...


Most clothes dryers are vented. They have a long, wide vent hose that extends outside,...


A continuing development involving many changes, generally involving a number of steps. It involves discerning...

The Primary Relationship

Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some...

It’s not personal; it’s personal

We have seen that complaining does not improve relationships. Rether, complaining tends to compound and...

It’s Not Personal; It’s Personal

1. When someone makes a comment and you are tmepted to take it personally, remember...

Good Returns

Understanding what makes giving both powerful and dangerous is the focus of Give and Take....

The Ripple Effect

Collaboration and the dynamics of giving and taking creditWhen we consider what it takes to...

The Perspective Gap.

If overcoming the responsibility bias gives us a clearer understanding of others' contributions, what is...