Don’t Let the Critics Win

As you continue your journey, I want to encourage you to be watchful for patterns...

Blessed and Grateful

We have so much to be happy about, and it is easy to lose sight...

Never get Discouraged

I have beaten resistance, I wish you could see how often I had to wrestle...

Love one another

The first commandment of forgiveness is to love one another, and loving essentially means extending...

You shall forgive if you want to be forgiven

the man forgave the worker a debt which amounted to several million dollars. the worker's...

Pray for those who hurt you and to whom you wish to extend forgiveness.

Love & prayer go together like a horse & carriage. Love & prayer are continuous....

Remember that unforgiveness is a type of hate

The 4th commandment of forgiveness is to remember that unforgiveness is a type of hate....

The Unexpected Life

Is your life unfolding the way you thought it would? I was paging through my...

A Question To Begin

Is your life working? It's a simple question, really. We cannot look at another person's...

The Missing Piece

Trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without an important piece is incredibly frustrating. That...

The Habit

There are an unlimited number of ways to feed your soul. The best place to...

If you want to change the world, be your very best in the darkest moments.

There is no darker moment in life than losing someone you love, or the destruction...