
We live in a culture that says the meaning of life is to get what...

Are You Spiritually Healthy?

Always take your first opportunity each day to spend time in prayer. For many years...

Get Busy Living

You are going to die, I know it's not a very uplifting idea, but, it's...

Ordinary Things

I'm a planner, very organized. Everything has a place, and I like it when things...

Living Soulfully

After the b-b-q we began talking regularly. It was obvious that he had my best...

Hour by Hour

An hour of work might be the most ordinary thing, in every town, city, suburb...

Interesting People

One of my high school teachers said; "If you want to be an interesting person,...

Falling in Love

The day you fall in love with learning, your life changes forever. I went to...

No Visitors

Hanging around with a friends, gives us a chance to catch up. If I had...

An Unconventional Education

I've had an unconventional education. The older I get the more I realize that life...


Growing up, my siblings and I knew there were certain things that wasn't said, for...

Learning to Listen

The hardest lessons to learn i life are the ones we think we have already...