
Getting Ready to Cope with the Self Absorbed

All in all, it's not too hard to see why dealing with the self absorption...

Bad Boundaries

For as long as you do remain in a relationship with a narcissist, be prepared...

It’s All About Me

In a well-known Greek myth, a handsome young man rejects the advances of a smitten...

The Art of Active Listening

To listen actively means to listen with careful attention. It also means to be sincerely...

Listen Carefully

Are you a good listener? Most of us would probably say "Sure!" After all, when...

The Avoidance Option

It's not surprising that many of us try to avoid interacting with difficult people as...

Why “Flight or Fight” Won’t Work

Being so accessible to so many people so much of the time would be stressful...

No Man, or Woman Is an Island

Seventeenth century English author John Donne is well known for these words: "No man is...

Infidelity Is a Profound Challenge

One of the most common reasons people end relationships is cheating. According to data from...

You Don’t Break in a Breakup

Signs of Trouble Love doesn't disintegrate overnight. The early days of your relationship were like...

The Root of the Argument

How we approach an argument, big or small, sets the tone for its resolution (or...

Love to Fight and Fight to Love

Fighting, done well, benefits relationships. Long-term relationships don't survive because of great date nights or...
