How to Actually Feel Fully Recharged-The 7 Different Types Of Rest
Feel like the weekend wasn’t long enough?
Here’s why (& how to fix it):
It might be because you don’t know how to rest.
Sounds silly, right? I’ll explain.
If you’re not already following him,
idk what you’re waiting for…
Ok, back to rest.
When you’re going through an extra busy
or stressful time, you always feel like the
downtime you have is inadequate.
This feeling is louder when you’re burned out.
And why it’s incredibly frustrating to hear,
“Why don’t you just take a vacation?”
It’s kinda like when you eat a meal of
mostly carbs & you’re hungry 2 hours later.
It’s because those carbs didn’t satisfy all the nutrient categories your body needs to be fulfilled.
It’s not enough to log off your computer &
block work emails, chats, & texts.
You need to be thoughtful in how you’re
resting for it to actually have a positive impact.
Use this guide to learn the 7 types of rest +
easy-to-implement tips for each.
Today, reflect on your weekend + the last week
& see which rest type needs your attention.
Just start with 1 type & then move to the
next when you’re ready.
Leader Pro Tip: Share this with your team
in your next team meeting to empower
them to prevent/treat their burnout.
Balanced & rested teams are healthier
& more effective teams. 😌
*Based on Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith’s framework.