H.A.L.T. Before You React On Impulse, take a Second to ask Yourself
How to stop being impulsive?
I get it — I know where you’re coming from.
As a child, I was a bit impulsive — just a bit.
Sports definitely helped me a lot.
So, let’s look at the HALT method.
It stands for:
→ Hungry
→ Angry
→ Lonely
→ Tired
These are four basic needs that can really mess with our emotions.
And even with our decision-making.
Let’s dive in!
1. When you feel that impulse to act, take a deep breath.
Just pause for a sec.
2. Now, go through the HALT questions one by one.
H — Hungry
Ask yourself:
→ When was the last time I ate or drank water?
→ What can I do to feel better?
For example, if you haven’t eaten or hydrated recently:
→ Grab a snack
→ Or drink some water
Sometimes, a little food or water can make a big difference in how we feel.
That’s why I eat seven times a day.
But that’s another story…
A — Angry
Ask yourself:
→ What might be driving my anger?
→ Am I stressed, overwhelmed, resentful, insecure, or jealous?
→ What can I do to feel better?
Take a moment to identify what’s fueling your anger.
Try to acknowledge those feelings
And think about ways to address them, like:
→ Talking it out
→ Writing down your thoughts
That’s why I talk to myself out loud every day.
But that’s another story…
L — Lonely
Ask yourself:
→ When was the last time I socialized with a friend or family member?
→ What can I do to feel better?
For example, if you’re feeling isolated:
→ Reach out to someone you trust
→ Plan a coffee date or a virtual hangout
T — Tired
Ask yourself:
→ How many hours of sleep did I get last night?
→ What can I do to feel better?
Check in with your energy levels.
If you’re running low on sleep, consider:
→ Taking a short nap
→ Or just resting for a bit
A little rest can really help clear your mind.
Otherwise, do what I do:
→ Just prioritize your sleep
For me, 8 hours is perfect — what about you?