Essential Skills

It’s time we stop calling these skills soft.

In reality, they’re essential –

And they’re increasingly what leaders are hiring and promoting for.
They couldn’t be further from soft.

Master these 15 essential skills, and you will be unstoppable:

1. Be proactive
Take the initiative, starting and giving updates before being asked, and finishing ahead of the deadline

2. Work hard
Be the person who works hard without complaint, even if everyone else is searching for shortcuts

3. Be honest
Have integrity, telling the truth and doing the right thing no matter the situation

4. Focus on growth
Learn to see failure as a learning opportunity, and colleagues as teachers

5. Act reliably
Deliver on your promises – consistently

6. Demonstrate professionalism
Act in a way that makes people proud to be associated with you

7. Collaborate
Work well with others, rather than trying to do everything yourself

8. Be kind
Have empathy for your colleagues, and take a genuine interest in their lives

9. Develop emotional intelligence
Put in the effort to have control over your emotions, and to develop self-awareness and an awareness of others

10. Show persistence
Be resilient in the face of setbacks, pushing forward

11. Be coachable
Ask for and act on feedback, and then repeat that cycle relentlessly

12. Adapt
Recognize the importance and inevitability of change, and work to adjust quickly when it comes

13. Stay organized
Stay on top of your commitments, meeting deadlines and nailing the details

14. Demonstrate accountability
Be quick to take ownership and slow to pass the buck or cast blame

15. Develop creativity
Give yourself the mental space to be creative, and practice thinking outside the box

These skills are what top performers use to shine.

Put in the effort to get better at them every day.