Care For Yourself To Care For Others

I used to work 110 hours a week.

Not a typo. 110 hours.

Running my businesses simultaneously, I wore it like a badge of honor.

But here’s what I learned after years of pushing those limits:

Hustle culture is a trap.

Yes, there are seasons where intense work is necessary.

When you’re building from scratch or seizing a crucial opportunity, those long hours serve a purpose.

But it’s not sustainable.

Your body keeps the score:
• Mental clarity diminishes
• Decision-making suffers
• Relationships strain
• Innovation stagnates
• Health deteriorates

Over the years I’ve learned to accomplish more in 50 focused hours than in 110 exhausted ones.

The key isn’t working less – it’s working right.

Build systems that serve you, not drain you.
Create processes that scale without breaking you.
Design workflows that leverage technology, not human exhaustion.

Success isn’t about survival.
It’s about sustainability.

Your business needs the best version of you, not the most depleted one.
