Balancing Your Energy
Your energy is more valuable than your time –
You don’t need more hours—you need better energy:
Burnout isn’t just about too much work.
It’s about mismanaging your energy.
We all have five types of energy—
When one is off-balance, it impacts every part of your life.
Your focus slips.
Your motivation drops.
Your body feels worn out.
Here’s the problem:
We focus on managing time –
But forget to manage our energy.
It’s not about how many hours you work.
It’s about how well you recharge.
Think about the last time you felt overwhelmed.
You probably didn’t lack time—
You lacked energy.
Here’s how to fix it:
1. Mental Energy
• Clear your mind by avoiding multitasking.
• Take regular breaks to stay sharp.
2. Physical Energy
• Move your body daily, even if it’s a walk.
• Stretch to refresh your muscles and mind.
3. Emotional Energy
• Acknowledge how you feel.
• Release stress instead of holding it in.
4. Social Energy
• Spend time with positive people.
• Set boundaries with those who drain you.
5. Spiritual Energy
• Connect with something bigger than yourself.
• Find purpose in your actions every day.
Burnout happens when energy isn’t protected.
You can always find more time.
But lost energy takes much longer to recover.