5 Conflict Management Styles

I used to fear conflicts until I realized:

You always win when you know how to manage them.

There are 5 basic ways people behave when they respond to conflict.
And each comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. 👇

1. Avoiding (Turtle)

+ Temporarily defuses tension and allows time for emotions to cool down.
– Issues remain unresolved and may lead to resentment or the buildup of unresolved conflicts.

2. Competing (Shark)

+ Assertive and decisive, ensures immediate action.
– It can damage relationships, escalate conflict, and may lead to win-lose outcomes.

3. Accommodating (Teddy Bear)

+ Promotes harmony and goodwill and fosters cooperation.
– May lead to feelings of being taken advantage of, issues may not be addressed effectively.

4. Compromising (Fox)

+ Finds middle ground, maintains relationships, and achieves partial satisfaction for both parties.
– It may result in the loss of individual needs or goals and may not fully resolve underlying issues.

5. Cooperating (Owl)

+ Encourages open communication and collaboration and seeks win-win solutions.
– Requires time and effort to find mutually beneficial solutions. May not always be possible in every situation.

Conflict is a natural part of human interaction.

Every conflict we face in life is rich with positive and negative potential.
The choice of how to approach it is entirely ours. 🙌

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