Toxic Workplace Habits That Devastate Mental Health

How do you deal with constant rudeness?
Here’s a tool for you.
→    The Sphere of Control

Do you know why?
Because it makes no sense trying to control things we can’t control.
So let’s see how you can use this tool.
We’re gonna follow 7 steps.

1.    Take your journal

2.    List what makes you feel bad about rudeness at work.
For example:
→    Mockery by Charles
→    Impolite behavior from Leah
→    Disrespectful behavior from Michael

3.    Turn the page and draw a circle.
It’s gonna be your Sphere of Control”.
A kind of personal control bubble for handling rudeness.

4.    Now ask yourself:
→    What can I actually control when I face rudeness?

For example you might control:
→    Your initial reaction
→    How to communicate with that person
→    How to set boundaries for respectful interactions
These are things you can control, right?
We’re gonna call them “Controllables”.
So write these Controllables inside your Sphere of Control.

5.    Now ask yourself:
→    What can’t I control when I face rudeness?

For example you can’t control:
→    The other person’s mood
→    The other person’s behavior
→    The other person’s state of mind
→    The overall workplace culture you’re in
These are things you can’t control, agree?
We’re gonna call them “Non-Controllables”.
So write these Non-Controllables outside your Sphere of Control.
6.    Now do this:
→    Accept and let go of the Non-Controllables.

As we know, we can’t control those things, right?
So why should we focus on them?
It’s a waste of time and energy.
It makes no sense.
Are you with me?

7.    Now do this:
→    Put all your focus on the Controllables.

Ask yourself:
→    What are the best actions I can do to improve this specific Controllable?

For example:
→    “When I get rudeness, I want to take a deep breath before responding”
→    “I want to practice mindfulness so I can face these moments better”
→    “I want to take time and set my boundaries”
→    “I want to seek support from HR”
