The Tree of Overthinking

How to stop overthinking?

Are you a storyteller like me?

I wanna give you a tool I sometimes use to solve problems:
→    Narrative self-distances

It works for overthinking too.
Let’s see how you can use it.

1.    So, think about a situation that’s been causing you stress.
Or something that’s making you overthink.

→    Something tricky at work
→    A disagreement with a friend
→    Or just a nagging worry

2.    Now, before grabbing pen and paper, take a moment.
Imagine you’re a storyteller.
Imagine narrating this situation as if it’s happening to someone else.
Picture yourself telling the story of… um… let’s say “Sofia.”
Or whoever you wanna use.
But not yourself.

3.    Okay, now you can grab a pen and paper.
Write about the situation in detail, as if you’re describing it to a friend.
And make sure to use third-person language.
For example:
“Sofia was feeling overwhelmed by her project at work.
She had a lot of tasks to complete.
And she was worried about meeting the deadline.”

4.    Now, keep your pen and paper with you.

Start describing:
→    How Sofia felt
→    What she did
→    And any thoughts she had
For example:
“Sofia felt her heart racing every time she thought about the deadline.
She tried to focus on one task at a time.
But the pressure made it hard for her to concentrate.”

5.    Alright! Your role as a storyteller is over.
Now it’s time to transform into an analyst.

So, after you’ve written the story, do this:
→    Take a step back
→    And think about it from an outsider’s perspective
By asking yourself:
→    What advice would I give to Sofia?
→    What options does she have to handle this better?

Just analyze your story objectively.

Then, ask yourself:
→    How does this new perspective change the way I view the situation?
→    Are there practical steps or solutions I might not have seen before.

Because you’re gonna:
→    See the bigger picture
→    Understand the problem more clearly
→    Feel less overwhelmed and more in control
→    And create some distance between yourself and your emotions
