The Resilient-How Resilient People Think

How to build resilience at work?

Here’s a tool to build resilience:
→    Expressive Writing

It’s all about changing the way we see the situation we’re in.
Let’s see how you can give it a try.

1.    First, we need to identify the change.

So, think about the specific change happening in your job.

It could be:
→    A new manager
→    A shift in responsibilities
→    A change in company policies

Write down a few sentences about this change.
Also, jot down how it’s affecting you.

For example, you could write:
→    I’m anxious about my new manager’s expectations
→    I feel unsure about how my job role is changing
Just let your thoughts flow without judgment.

2.    Now, take a moment to dig a little deeper.

Ask yourself:
→    How does this change make me feel?
→    What emotions come up?
And jot down those feelings.

For example:
→    I’m feeling overwhelmed because I don’t know what to expect
→    I feel insecure about my skills in this new role

3.    Alright! Now it’s time to shift our perspective.
It’s time to change our narrative.

So, ask yourself:
→    How can I reframe this situation?
→    What’s a more constructive way to view this change?

For example, you could write:

→    I can ask my new manager for clarity on expectations
→    This change is actually an opportunity for me to learn new skills

Got it?
We just need to change the narrative.

4.    Now comes the fun part!

Combine your feelings and your new perspective into a short paragraph.
Like writing a new micro story.
This will be your new narrative.
It could look something like this:
“Even though I feel anxious about my new manager, I know I can ask for clarification.
Instead of feeling insecure about my skills, I’ll focus on growing in this new role.”
What do you think?
A whole different story, right?

5.    Okay, we’ve done a great job!

Now take a moment to read what you wrote.

Ask yourself:
→    How does it feel to see the situation from a new angle?

It feels better, right?
Just keep this narrative handy for times of change.

And let’s remember:
→    There is no resilience without change