The Magical Tree of Energy Management

How to level up your energy at work?
Ever tried to map your energy levels?
Well, let’s try this Energy Mapping.

It’s gonna help you:
→    Understand why you feel drained after work
→    Make changes to keep your energy up
Let’s get started!

1.    So, for a week, do this:
→    Jot down how your energy feels at different times during the workday

You just need to rate it from 1 to 5.
→    1 stands for “totally drained”
→    5 stands for “full of energy”

Just make sure to rate:
→    The time
→    Your energy level
→    What you’re working on

For example:
→    10:00 AM
→    Energy level: 2
→    Just wrapped up a 40-minute meeting with 4 people

2.    Now it’s time to spot two things:
→    What drains your energy
→    What boosts your energy

So, after the week, review your notes.

You just need to notice two things:
→    When your energy dips + what’s going on during those times
→    When your energy is higher + what you’re doing then

For example, you might find that:
→    Your energy is low after meetings
→    Your energy is high after writing a report

But at the same time, you might realize that:
→    Meetings shorter than 20 minutes don’t really drain your energy
→    Stand-up meetings only use up a little bit of your energy
Just need to notice any patterns.

3.    Now, create your workday energy map.

By drawing a simple chart with two things:
→    The hours of the workday along the bottom
→    Your energy levels up the side

Just plot your energy levels throughout the day.
This will show you when they rise and fall.

4.    Alright! Now, look at your energy map.

Ask yourself:
→    What’s draining my energy?
→    Can I tweak how I handle those tasks or take breaks afterward?
→    What gives me energy?
→    Can I schedule more of those activities or do them during low-energy times?

Just try to plan your workday so you can:
→    Tackle demanding tasks when your energy is higher
→    Save easier tasks for when your energy dips

5.    Now, based on what you’ve learned, make small changes.

For example:
→    Practice deep breathing to recharge
→    Switch up your tasks to keep things interesting
→    Take short breaks to move around or get fresh air
→    Eat healthy snacks during the day to keep your energy steady

This is how we can level up our energy throughout the day.
And of course, take a cue from the roots of the Tree of Energy Management.
Exercise, sleep, nutrition, meditation, and boundaries matter!