The Empathetic-10 Key Traits of Truly Empathetic People

How to be more empathetic?

I think we could all use a bit of empathy, right?

Here’s an exercise to cultivate it:
→    Empathy Map

I used it when I was a personal trainer.

Let’s give it a try.

1.    To start, think of someone you interact with regularly, like:
→    A client
→    A friend
→    A coworker
→    A family member

2.    Now, grab a pen and paper.

Draw a big cross to divide it into 4 sections.

Label the sections like this:
→    Thoughts: What do I think this person might be thinking?
→    Feelings: What emotions might this person be experiencing?
→    Needs: What do I think they might need right now?
→    Challenges: What obstacles or problems might they be facing?

3.    Now, fill in each section with what you know about this person.

Or add what you guess about them.
Let’s say you’ve chosen to do this exercise with Cloe, your coworker.
And let’s say Cloe has been looking stressed lately.
Got it?
Great! Here’s how you might fill in each section of your Empathy Map:
→    Thoughts

Cloe might be thinking, “I have so much work to do.

I’m not sure I can finish it all on time”
→    Feelings

Cloe seems overwhelmed and anxious.
She looks frustrated and often talks about feeling under pressure.
→    Needs

Cloe might need some extra support or just a break.

She could benefit from having a clear plan.
→    Challenges

Cloe is probably struggling with tight deadlines.
She might also be dealing with unclear priorities.

Got it?

We just need to put ourselves in Cloe’s shoes.

4.    Alright! Now, look at what you’ve written.
Reflect on how knowing these things might change how you interact with her.

For example:
→    If you know Cloe is feeling stressed, you could lend her a hand


5.    Now, next time you interact with Cloe, do this
→    Try to use the insight from your Empathy Map

What do I mean?
I mean, try to be more understanding based on what you’ve learned.

This simple exercise will help you:
→    Become more empathetic
→    Cultivate perspective-taking
→    Boost your emotionally intelligent
It worked out for me ten years ago.
Do you think it’ll work out for you too?