The ADHD Burnout Cycle
How can you avoid ADHD burnout?
Here are 6 tips:
1. People with ADHD often have less energy to give, right?
So setting boundaries is key.
Because you’ll be able to preserve your emotional energy.
So set boundaries with:
→ Your family
→ Your friends
→ Your colleagues
2. When you start to feel overwhelmed, engage in sensory activities.
For example you can:
→ Take a walk in nature
→ Listen to nature sounds
→ Have a massage (or self-massage)
→ Chew gum for oral sensory stimulation
→ Listen to calm music, like Mozart’s music
→ Use calming scents, like chamomile or lavender.
3. Sometimes there are people who don’t fully accept us as we are.
You know what I mean, right?
So, let’s not spend time with those with whom we have to pretend or mask.
Instead, spend time with people who fully accept you.
4. A lack of mental and emotional energy is often a problem, right?
So delegate:
→ What you don’t like (if you have resources).
→ What you deeply know is not good for you.
5. Because mental and emotional energy is often a challenge, remember this:
→ Your sleep matters.
Because burnout and hormonal rollercoaster go hand in hand.
So, if you want to prevent it, prioritize your sleep.
This means:
→ Having a sleep routine before bedtime.
→ Sleeping in a dark, fresh, and silent room.
→ Going to bed and waking up at the same hour.
→ Paying attention to what you eat before bedtime.
→ …
6. Have you ever considered yoga?
Did you know that yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system?
“Uhm, so…?”
So it can really help in avoiding ADHD burnout.
“Uhm, should I start to do yoga?”
Well, yoga is awesome for chilling out!
Otherwise, you can try other activities that promote relaxation like:
→ Pilates
→ Tai Chi
→ Warm Baths
→ Nature walks
→ Progressive Muscle Relaxation