Stress Management-The STOP Model

How to handle stress?
Let’s see how to use the STOP Model to handle stress.
I came across it a couple of years ago.
It works!

1.    S – Slower Breath

When you feel stressed about finishing a project in time, start with this:
→    Take a couple of minutes
→    And take slow, deep breaths

Feel the air filling your lungs and then gently relax.
Why this?
Because slowing down your breathing helps to calm your body and mind.
We need a bit of calm in those moments, right? 🙂

2.    T – Thoughts and Feelings

Alright, we’ve just calmed our minds and bodies.
Now, pay attention to what’s going on inside you.
Notice your thoughts and feelings without judgment.
Reflect on why you’re concerned about finishing the project on time.

Ask yourself:
→    What am I thinking right now?
→    Am I feeling stressed about the workload?
→    Or am I worried about the consequences?
→    How am I feeling emotionally?
This will help you be more aware of how you’re feeling inside.

3.    O – Open Up

Now, let yourself admit the worry about not meeting the project deadline.
It’s okay to feel concerned.
It shows you care about doing a good job, right?
Create a space for your emotions without trying to push them away.
When we embrace those feelings, we can approach the situation calmly.

4.    P – Personal Values

Finally, think about your core values.
Ask yourself:
→    What truly matters to you in life? (your core values)
→    How can these values guide my action in this situation?
For example, one of my core values is respect.
So, when I feel stressed or worried I try to be guided by it.

Maybe in your case, you value:
→    Quality work
→    Or effective time & energy management
→    Or maintaining a good work-life harmony

This means that your decisions will be based on these values.
As we know, stress often comes when we have to make decisions.
Those decisions are less stressful when we decide based on our core values.