Set Time To Knock Out Tasks

How many times do we say: “Uhm, I’ll need 1 hour to knock out that task.”
… but then the reality is a little bit different, right?
Well, we are humans. We don’t have to judge ourselves.
Try this:

1. Open a Google Doc.

2. Answer this question: “How do I think I’ll need to complete this task?”

3. Start a conversation with “yourself at the end of the task” (like writing a movie script between “You in the present” and “You in the future”).

4. Ask You in the future: “What are the obstacles that I had to deal with to complete the task?”

5. Based on his/her answer, answer these two questions:
⌙ When will I finish this task if everything goes right, and I’m able to deal with all the obstacles easily?
⌙ When will I finish this task if everything goes wrong, and I need a lot of time to deal with all the obstacles?

Great! Now you are more aware of the real time needed