Pessimistic Mindset Vs Optimistic Mindset

How to beat pessimism?

A powerful method we can use is this:
1.    Transitory vs. Permanent
2.    Specific vs. Pervasive
3.    External vs. “All-my-fault”

Let’s see how you can give it a try — with an example.

1.    So, when you have a negative thought, start with this:
→    Grab your journal (or your phone)
→    Jot down that negative thought.

For example:
→    “I’ll never succeed.”

2.    Alright! Now, let’s start using the method.
This step is called “Transitory vs. Permanent”.

Here’s what you need to do here:
→    Think about whether this thought is temporary or likely to last forever

So, ask yourself:
→    Is my belief that I’ll never succeed something that I’ve experienced before and eventually overcome?
→    Can I see it changing in the future?

If the answer is “no”, take a moment to reflect on why you feel this way.

Ask yourself:
→    Have I faced similar feelings before?
→    What were the circumstances?
→    What has changed since then?

3.    Great! This new step is called “Specific vs Pervasive”.

Here’s what you need to do here:
→    Think about if this negative thought applies to specific areas of your life or if it feels pervasive

So, ask yourself:
→    Do I feel like I’ll never succeed only in my career?
→    Or do I feel this way about every aspect of my life?

4.    Okay! Now we can move to the last step of the method.
It’s called “External vs ‘All-my-fault’”.

Here’s what you need to do here:
→    Think about if there are external factors beyond our control that are contributing to this feeling, or if you’re unfairly blaming yourself.

So, ask yourself:
→    Are there changes at work or other factors affecting my performance?
→    Or am I just being too hard on myself?

5.    Alright. Now we’re more aware of that thought, right?

Great! Now it’s time to reframe that thought.
“Uhm, reframe…?”
Yep, reframe! We need to challenge that negative thought.
“Uhm, how…?”
By challenging it with a more positive and realistic perspective.

For example, here’s our negative thought:
→    I’ll never succeed

Here’s our new thought (thanks to our new awareness)
→    “While I might have some tough times at work, I know setbacks don’t last forever.
→    If I keep pushing, I can get through anything and make it big.”