Perfection Vs Excellence

How to adapt to change?

I think uncertainty is something we just need to accept.
In life, everything changes.
“Everything, everything?”
Well, not everything.
The only thing that never changes is the process of changing 🙂

So, how do we deal with change?

By embracing the 3 A’s of change:
→    Acceptance
→    Attitude
→    Adaptability

Let me explain what I mean.


Accepting change means fully acknowledging what’s happening right now.
It means making peace with the current situation.
It also means not clinging to how things used to be.
For example, let’s say you had to move away for a new job.
It’s natural to miss the familiar places and people.
I felt the same when I was 19 and moved away from my family and friends.
But if you have a dream, you just need to accept the new surroundings.
Accepting the present helps you move forward.
Acceptance helps us make the most of our current situation.


Worrying is never a strategy, right?

So, instead of worrying about what’s different, try this:
→    Think about what good might come from the change.

For example, if you move to a new city, it can feel scary at first.

But instead of focusing on what you’re leaving behind, do this:
→    Think about the amazing job opportunities
→    Think about the new friends you could make
→    Think about the exciting places you’ll get to explore

Leaving my parents and friends was hard.
But I knew I could find better opportunities in a city.
Seeing change as a chance to grow can make it less stressful.
It can make it more exciting.


Sometimes, things don’t go as planned.
And that’s okay!
Being adaptable means being open to adjusting our plans.
Especially when life throws us a curveball.
For example, if you lose a job, it’s easy to feel discouraged.
But if you’re flexible, you might see it as an opportunity.
It could be a chance to try a different career path.
Or to learn new skills.
That’s why humility is so important.
There is no adaptability without humility.
When we’re willing to adapt, we can turn problems into opportunities.
That’s the magic of being adaptable.

So yes, to embrace change, sometimes we need to change.
→    We need to ACCEPT what’s happening
→    We need to change our ATTITUDE
→    We need to become more ADAPTABLE