Master Your Mindset For Your Next Job Interview

Did you know your beliefs are gonna influence your next job interview?

So the question is:
→    How do you cut those false beliefs before your next interview?
And how do you boost your confidence?

Here are 5 steps:

1.    First off, take a moment to reflect.
Imagine your next job interview.

Ask yourself:
→    What are my current beliefs before this job interview?
Or if you prefer:
→    Which bag are you bringing to your next job interview?
For example, let’s see 3 potential beliefs/bags:

1° Blue Bag
“I’m talented in this.
I’m pretty good at this stuff.
I deserve this role.”

2° Green Bag
“I’m good at this.
The problem is someone is surely better than me.
Probably someone else is gonna get the job over me.”

3° Red Bag
“No way I’m getting this job.
It’s impossible to be better than other candidates.
Others are more capable.”

There is a huge difference between those bags, right?
Now, let’s imagine you keep with you the Red Bag.
How do you turn it into the Blue Bag?
How do you cut those false beliefs?
Let’s jump into the second step.

2. Alright! Now do this:
→    Grab a pen and paper and jot down your beliefs
For example:
→    “No way I’m getting this job. It’s impossible to be better than other candidates. Others are more capable.”

3.    Okay, now we need to stop believing in that belief.
“Uhm, easy to say, how do I do that?”

Simple! Write this under your belief:
→    This belief can’t be true because _______
→    This belief can’t be true because _______
→    This belief can’t be true because _______

4.    Guess what you’re gonna do now?
“Uhm, fill them?”
For example:

This belief can’t be true because:
→    I’ve got 5 years of experience
→    I don’t have to be better than others — I just have to be unique
→    I don’t know other candidates, so I can’t know if they’re more capable

5.    Alright! We dismantled that false belief.
We feel much better now, right?
Great! Now you just have to read multiple times what you’ve written.
And believe in it.
Even because that old belief was not true, right?

This is how you can cut your false beliefs and master your mindset.
This way you’ll be able to face the interview with more confidence.
And hey, don’t forget to put your uniqueness into that Blue Bag.
At the end of the day, those HRs want your uniqueness.
And if they don’t like it, it’s their problem — not yours.
