How Addictions Work Together

How can you cut those bad addictions?

Here are 4 steps:

1.    First off, take a moment to honestly assess your habits regarding:
→    Smoking
→    Caffeine
→    Alcohol
→    Sugar

2.    Now you’re gonna reflect on 6 questions.
It helps us become more aware of how two habits work together.
Let’s get started.

1.   Alcohol + Cigarette
Recall the last time you had a drink.

Ask yourself:
→    Did alcohol influence my desire to smoke?

2.    Caffeine + Cigarette
Think about your morning coffee or other caffeine sources.

Ask yourself:
→    Did caffeine impact my craving for a cigarette?

3.    Cigarette + Sugar
Reflect on times when smoking might have influenced your sugar intake.

Ask yourself:
→    Did smoking lead me to crave sugars?

4.    Caffeine + Sugar
Think about your typical coffee or caffeine consumption.

Ask yourself:
→    Did I notice changes in my craving for sweets after having caffeine?
5.    Alcohol + Caffeine
The kick from coffee might override the drowsiness from alcohol.

So ask yourself:
→    Did I find myself reaching for more coffee because I was dealing with alcohol?

6.    Cigarette + Alcohol
Reflect on times when smoking might have triggered your desire for alcohol.

Ask yourself:
→    Did smoking trigger a desire for alcohol in me?

3.    Now it’s time to identify triggers.
“Uhm, what triggers?
Well, those triggers that tend to set off your habits.
We have to get to the root of the problem, right?

So ask yourself these two questions:
→    When do I find myself reaching for… (e.g., smoking)?
→    What emotions or circumstances precede that action?

For example, some triggers that can set off smoking are:
→    Boredom
→    Social events
→    Morning routine
→    Stressful situations

Some triggers that can set off alcohol are:
→    Celebrations
→    Emotional stress
→    Social gatherings
→    Certain environments or locations

Some triggers that can set off caffeine are:
→    Social occasions
→    Stressful work situations
→    Fatigue or lack of energy
→    Morning routine (that’s why having a healthy morning routine is so important!)

Some triggers that can set off sugar are:
→    Boredom
→    Emotional stress
→    Hormonal changes
→    Availability of sugary foods

4.    Now, based on your reflection, do this:
→    Set one realistic goal for gradually breaking those habits.
Of course, focus on addressing the root causes rather than surface-level changes.

Here’s how you can:
→    become aware of your bad habits
→    start to gradually break those habits by addressing the roots.

And remember:
The solution is not just stubbing out the habit.
The solution is uprooting the triggers and sowing seeds of change.
