7 C’s of Resilience to Bounce Back Stronger

How to bounce back stronger?

“Tough times” are subjective, but one skill we all need is resilience.
Are you with me?
Let’s see how to cultivate resilience through the 7 Cs.
So you can bounce back stronger!

1.    Competence
The more skills we have, the easier it gets to face life’s challenges.
So what can we do?
Just keep learning and improving — in YOUR own way!
So you’re ready to face tough situations.
My way, for example, is “learning by doing.”
I’m not a theory gal.

2.    Confidence
When we’re confident, we face challenges head-on.
We also see challenges as opportunities to grow.
And this is not a catchphrase — it’s reality.
Confidence builds self-trust.
And that trust will help you overcome difficulties.

3.    Connection
Our mood significantly influences how we face challenges.
That mood is influenced by the people around us too.
That’s why we need to build close connections with loved ones.
A deep sense of belonging can really help in tough times.

4.    Character
Why is it important to know what’s important to you?
Because knowing and sticking to your values gives you stability.
And that stability is key during tough times.

5.    Coping
Why am I so in love with exercise and other wellbeing tools?
Not just because I was an athlete and personal trainer.
But because they help us manage our emotions and stay balanced.
And that balance is essential during difficult moments.

6.    Control
This is something I learned through sports:
→    Focus on what you can control!
→    Accept what you can’t!

That “focus + radical acceptance” is key during tough times.

7.    Contribution
Having a strong purpose is not different from having strong values.
When we have a purpose that goes beyond ourselves, we adopt a new perspective.
That “perspective” makes tough periods more manageable.

This is how we can build resilience through the 7 Cs.

Stewart Life Coaching


