8 Stages Of Burnout You Can No Longer Ignore

Do you know who the most dangerous people in a company are?

Burned-out leaders.
↳ They can’t lead effectively.
↳ Their state drags down team morale.
↳ This impacts results, slowly destroying the company.

Today, 65% of leaders show burnout symptoms.

Their companies are at risk.
Their employees could “catch” burnout too.

So, what can we do?
⇢ Watch out for signs of burnout, which are often ignored.
⇢ Identify the stage of burnout from these signs.
⇢ Act according to the stage and needs of the burned-out leader.
⇢ Implement preventive measures for the entire team.

Here are the 8 stages of burnout we can’t afford to ignore:

1. Excessive Drive:
Pushing too hard for perfection.

2. Ignoring Self-Care:
Regularly skipping meals, exercise, hobbies, and sleep.

3. Denial of Problems:
Ignoring stress signs, convincing yourself everything’s fine.

4. Withdrawal:
Distancing from friends, family, and colleagues.

5. Behavioral Changes:
Irritability, impatience, and quick anger.

6. Depersonalization:
Feeling disconnected from your emotions and body.

7. Apathy:
Constantly feeling empty and purposeless.

8. Depression:
Persistent sadness, hopelessness, and feeling overwhelmed.

Burnout hits when your body and mind can’t keep up with your demands.

Don’t push yourself to do the impossible.
Prioritize inner peace over external “efficiency.”