8 Simple Tips To Sleep Better

How do I get a good night’s sleep?
Here are my 8 hacks:

1.    Do you like herbal tea?
I do.
That’s why I can’t go to bed without my chamomile.
It really helps me sleep better.

If you don’t like Chamomile, you can try:
→    Valerian tea
→    Magnolia tea
→    Lavander tea
→    Passionflower tea

2.    What time do you have dinner?
In that wonderful place it’s pretty normal to:
→    eat early,
→    go to bed early,
→    and wake up early.

So I eat at least 1 hour before bedtime.
Some people need 2 hours gap without eating.
It depends on what you eat.
My dinner is pretty light.

3.    When do you stop watching screens?
Please, don’t tell me you go to bed with your smartphone, right?
Anyway, I stop watching screens 2 hours before bedtime.

This way my eyes don’t look at screens for 11 hours in a row:
→    2 hours before bedtime
→    8 hours of sleep
→    1 hour morning routine

4.    When do you go to bed?
I go to bed at the same hour — and I wake up at the same hour.
It’s really important to have a consistent sleep schedule, you know, right?
Hey, from Monday to Sunday! Okay?

5.    Do you have a kind of “bedtime routine”?

You know, like:
→    journaling
→    reading a book
→    taking a warm bath
→    doing a bit of stretching

My bedtime routine is really simple:
→    I just spend 2 minutes preparing the clothes for the next day.

So I don’t have to spend time the next day.
Even if I always wear the same things
And I go to bed relaxed — and ready.

6.    Did you know that potassium-rich food helps us to slow our pulse?
So it’s not a bad idea adding some lentils, broccoli and avocado to our diet.
Personally I’m not a big fan of lentils.
But I love avocado and broccoli!
I eat them 3-4 times per week.
They are rich in potassium — and they are so good!

7.    Tell me, how is your sleep environment?

Is it like mine?
→    Is it dark, right?
→    Is it fresh, right?
→    Is it silent, right?
I also use the earplugs, so it’s really silent!

8.    Now take a moment.
→    Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds
→    Now hold for 7 seconds
→    Now breathe out through your mouth for 8 seconds

Repeat this cycle 8 times.
Great! You just did what I do before bedtime.
It helps us slow down our breath.