8 Personality Types That Hinder Growth And Productivity
One of the key reasons why people quit jobs:
Is toxic workplace culture.
Employees are 10.4 times more likely to quit:
Due to toxicity than because of low pay (MIT).
Specific personality types can drive toxicity.
There are 8 personality types that are especially dangerous.
1. The Gossiper
Gossipers spread rumors and negativity, wasting time and creating a toxic work environment.
2. The Experienced One
Despite their experience, they rely on past successes and resist adapting or improving.
This limits overall contribution and innovation.
3. The Squelcher
Squelchers feel threatened by high achievers and try to bring them down.
Resulting in discouraging excellence and hurting team performance.
4. The Star
Stars seek recognition only for themselves, undermining team efforts by not sharing credit.
5. The Blamer
Blamers deflect responsibility and point fingers, disrupting team unity and problem-solving.
6. The Silo
These workers stick strictly to their job descriptions, refusing to assist with tasks beyond their role.
This hurts team collaboration and productivity.
7. The Armchair Manager
They agree in meetings but later undermine decisions with side discussions.
These managers disrupt team progress and create doubt.
8. The Veteran
Veterans believe past contributions allow them to coast, failing to provide ongoing value and hindering growth.
If you are one of them – try to improve.
If you know some of them – give them sincere feedback.
The change should come from leadership.
Make sure toxic behavior is not supported:
Otherwise, you will lose your best people.