7 Things Managers Must know About Mental Health

How can you boost your team’s wellbeing?

Here are 4 tactics:

1.    Let’s start with a question:
→    Are you aware of your impact on your team’s wellbeing?

I’m not kidding.
The number 1 problem here is the lack of awareness.
Some data show that your impact on their wellbeing is greater than that of their partner, doctor, and therapist.

So the first “tactic” is simple and hard at the same time:
→    You have to accept the fact that your actions have an impact

And remember: people around you put your behavior under a microscope.

2.    Do you know what triggers loneliness?
The lack of a sense of belonging.
Now, do you know what triggers your people to leave your company?
“Uhm, the same?”
Exactly! The lack of a sense of belonging.

So reflect on these two questions:
→    How can I better connect people with each other?
→    How can I create meaningful connections between me and my teammates?
Let’s remember: the sense of belonging starts with connection.

3.    Have you set your boundaries?
Do you know that saying ‘yes’ to everything will make your people say ‘yes’ to everything?
Do you really want your people to waste time on things that don’t matter?
As we know, saying ‘no’ is not a sign of ego — it’s self-awareness.
Plus, boundaries and wellbeing are close friends.
So, set and respect your boundaries.
This way you’ll be an example for your team.

4.    About 10 years ago I was working as a Personal Trainer.
I remember one of my best clients, Paolo, a country manager in Italy.
I told him:
“Paolo, starting tomorrow, I’d like you to eat a dozen almonds as a snack, instead of eating nothing and arriving super hungry at lunch.”
After a couple of weeks he came back:

“You know what, I’ve got more energy now at work.”
“Oh, great!”
“Yes, but do you know the funny thing?”
“Uhm, tell me Paolo.”
“All my team eat almonds now — and they’ve got more energy too.”
“No way! Awesome! You gave the example, right Paolo?”

So, the fourth tactic is this:
→    If you want people to take care of themselves, be the first.

Show, not tell.
Showing is more powerful than telling.
But don’t forget to tell them about your experience with your wellbeing.
As you know, you can’t inspire people if you don’t convey your passion for that thing.