4 Effective Methods To Manage Through Change

Change is hard. Really hard.

70% of change initiatives fail because leaders ignore
one simple truth:

Change isn’t just about processes.
It’s about people.

Picture this:

You want your team to adopt a new workflow.
Everyone’s comfortable with the old way.

How do you get their buy-in to make the change?

1. McKinsey’s Influence Levers
Build lasting behavioral change:

→ Create clear understanding
→ Set up supporting systems
→ Develop needed capabilities
→ Show the way through example

2. The Triple-A Change Space
Assess readiness before you start:

→ Check acceptance levels
→ Confirm authority support
→ Ensure ability to deliver
→ Close any gaps you find

3. Kotter’s 8-Step Process
Make change stick:

→ Build a burning platform
→ Form a strong coalition
→ Paint a compelling vision
→ Remove roadblocks
→ Create quick wins
→ Keep momentum going
→ Make it the new normal

4. The Kübler-Ross Change Curve
Navigate the emotional journey:

→ Start with empathy when shock hits
→ Address denial with facts and clarity
→ Support through frustration
→ Help people experiment with new ways
→ Celebrate progress toward acceptance


People don’t resist change.
They resist being changed.

Lead with understanding.
Help people move through it.

That’s how transformation happens naturally.

The best changes?
They start with you.
