How to Burn Out: Your Ultimate Guide To Total Overwhelm

Sleep is definitely the most underrated tool here.
But let’s try something practical.
Let’s create a self-care plan.
Self-care is crucial for dealing with burnout, right?

1. So, think about what makes you feel good and relaxed.

It could be anything like:
→ Reading a book
→ A quick workout
→ Chatting with a friend
→ Or listening to your favorite podcast

Just write down 5-10 things you enjoy and help you unwind.

For example, I like:
→ Working out
→ Spending time in nature
→ Looking at nature out of the window
→ Talking to myself out loud (as if I were talking to a therapist)

2. Now, grab your calendar and do this:
→ Look at your daily or weekly schedule
→ Find spots where you can fit these activities

For example, you can do:
→ Call a friend on your way home
→ Do a 10-minute meditation before work
→ Go for a short walk during your lunch break
→ Listen to your favorite podcast on your way to work

→ I work out after work
→ I look at nature during breaks
→ I have a micro-chat with myself before and after work

3. Now, decide how often you wanna do each activity.
For example, ask yourself:
→ How many times do I wanna meditate?

Maybe you wanna meditate every morning.
Or maybe just on workdays.
Maybe you wanna walk during lunch every day.
Or maybe just three times a week.
Just set your goals.
Setting these small goals makes it easier to stick to your plan.
Personally, I like the idea of “daily habits”.

→ I work out every day
→ I talk to myself every day
→ I look at my lovely nature every day

4. Now, after a week, check in with yourself.

Ask yourself:
→ Are these activities helping you feel better?

For example, let’s say the walk during lunch is really refreshing.
Well, maybe you wanna make it longer.
Or maybe you wanna add more walks throughout the day.
Maybe after work.
Or maybe after dinner.
At the same time, if morning meditation isn’t working, switch it up.
Maybe you wanna meditate in the afternoon.
Or maybe to wanna try meditating for 20 minutes instead of 10.

By the way — try Zen meditation! I love it!