How To Beat Imposter Syndrome

How to beat imposter syndrome at work?

We’re lucky today!

Part of the answer is already in your question:
→    Confidence

Let’s see how we can use the CCIA method.

It helps build confidence and overcome imposter syndrome.

1.    C — Committed

If you haven’t set a work goal yet, start with something small you can stick to.
Just show up for that goal.
It doesn’t have to be huge.

It can be as simple as:
→    Spending 5 minutes a day organizing your emails
→    Reviewing and re-prioritizing your to-do list

Even better if your small goal connects to something bigger.
Like improving your overall productivity at work.
Got it?
Just a small goal — and commit to it.
It’s definitely gonna build your confidence.

2.    C — Consistent

What about combining commitment with consistency?
When we’re consistent, we start to believe in ourselves more.
So, try not to skip more than two days in a row.
If you miss a day or two for some reason, that’s totally fine.
Just pick up where you left off.
We need to balance “being disciplined” with “being self-kind.”
The important thing is to keep showing up.
Even if you encounter some setbacks or distractions along the way.
Got it?

3.    I — Imperfect

Perfectionism and imposter syndrome are often close friends.

So, let’s remember:
→    Perfection is just a myth

Both in life and the workplace.
It’s okay to take “imperfect actions.”
We’re here to learn and grow!
Your project doesn’t have to be flawless every time.

Whether it’s a presentation or a report, remember this:
→    It’s okay if it’s not perfect

What matters is that you’re making progress and learning.
And by the way, what I just said to you is something I also remind myself.
I used to be a bit of a perfectionist…

4.    A — Action

There’s no “building confidence” without taking action.
So, take action!
Even when you feel like your work isn’t up to par.
Even if you find yourself doubting your skills.
Even if your progress seems slow.
It’s all about practice and improving over time.
Taking action, even in small ways, can feel empowering.
And that feeling of empowerment is gonna build your confidence.
