How Do You Manage Conflict

Team conflict wastes 2.1 hours per week.
And if you’re like me…

That’s 2.1 hours of unnecessary stress.

Conflict is more than disagreement.
Healthy teams have respectful disagreements. They share ideas and solve complex issues.

Instead, conflict occurs with a breakdown in interpersonal relationships.

So how can we manage conflict better?

Here are 5 conflict management styles:

1️⃣ Competing: Shark Style

↳ Quick decisions and assertive action
↳ But it can harm teamwork or cause conflicts

2️⃣ Avoiding: Turtle Style

↳ Allows time for emotions to cool
↳ But unresolved issues resurface later

3️⃣ Accommodating: Teddy Bear Style

↳ Although it focuses on harmony
↳ It risks ignoring your own needs or concerns

4️⃣ Compromising: Fox Style

↳ Finds a middle ground
↳ But neither side may feel satisfied

5️⃣ Collaborating: Owl Style

↳ Builds trust and creates win-win solutions
↳ Often needs a lot of time and effort, though

Understand when to use each approach and manage conflict before it escalates.

Use the right style at the right time:

• You can resolve issues.
• You manage conflict before it escalates.
• You keep team dynamics strong.
