Growth Mindset-15 Ways To Develop It
A growth mindset will make you unstoppable.
Use these 15 habits to develop yours:
1) Act on Feedback
↳Ask for and implement feedback – and then do it again and again and again
2) Use “Yet”
↳Add “yet” to your thoughts: I can’t do this… YET
3) Make Learning Goals
↳Set specific goals around learning, not just performance
4) Seek Challenges
↳Push yourself to try things you aren’t yet good at
5) Chase Progress
↳Aim to get better each time, not to be perfect
6) Embrace Failure
↳Learn to view failures as valuable lessons
7) Celebrate Effort
↳Be proud of how hard you work, not just your results
8) Be Patient
↳Think long term, knowing that growth takes time
9) Build Persistence
↳Practice pressing on in the face of challenges
10) Be Curious
↳Ask lots of questions and constantly seek new information
11) Find Others
↳Surround yourself with and emulate growth-minded people
12) Reflect
↳Look back often, seeking to learn and grow from your experiences
13) Take Risks
↳Try new things all the time, exercising your learning muscles
14) Seek New Information
↳Look for new takes on some of your longest-held beliefs
15) Use Positive Self-Talk
↳Speak positive affirmations about your ability to grow
Act on these 15 to strengthen your growth mindset,
And you’ll be amazed how much you can achieve